Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Santorum is out

Rick Santorum, the Mitt Romney opposition has dropped out of the GOP Primary race.  In my opinion, it would have devastated his campaign if he had continued and lost his home state of Pennsylvania.  In his concession, he will continue his fight:

All news outlets have given the benefit of the doubt to Mitt Romney as the GOP candidate for the upcoming General Election.  Although it is sad to say, my choice (and underdog candidate) Ron Paul will unlikely gain the insurmountable amount of delegates needed to win.  Its also safe to say Gingrich is done, like, permanently. The key now would be to pick up Santorum's supporters.  With a little luck, either runner up might sill have a chance.

Now it will be interesting to see how Romney's campaign speech will transform.  Will he focus on the big picture, or stamp out any remaining resistance and pick up Santorum's supporters for himself?  We'll have to wait and see. 

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