Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good Riddance

Arlen Spector, senior Senator from Pennsylvania, is now batting for the other side. For 30 years, he has been a moderate thorn in the Republican Party's side, and now, when the chips are down, he snakes over the to other side in order to preserve his political career.

Specter has stated "I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans". This has come a month after Specter has stated he would never switch parties for ideological reasons. I am pretty sure he is going to get a comfortable chairmanship in exchange for giving the Democrats safe from any opposition from the Republicans.

Frankly, I am happy for the Republican Party. This is exactly what doctor is proscribing. Let the party purge itself and embrace a new generation of true conservative politicians. This will revamp the party staffed with members who have not been tainted by Washington politics. As Joe Scarborough says "sitting in that town [DC] changes you."