Thursday, February 19, 2009

Chimp-Stimulus Cartoon creates malestorm of racial tension.

New York Post cartoon angers liberal elitists, such as Al Sharpton:

My first impression of the cartoon found it humorous (although a rampaging chimp is no laughing matter). Clearly, it was poking fun of our belligerent congress wildly running around like animals last week when writing the Stimulus Bill. And like animals, they (Democrats) were furiously vying for pieces of the pie. In a nutshell, it was commenting on congress' lack of professionalism. Yet, Rev. Al Sharpton was quick to make a loose connection between the artist's rendition of the shot ape and our African-American President, insinuating that, in effect, the cartoon was calling our black President a monkey.

I was reading an article on NRO by Jonah Goldberg (author of Liberal Fascism) that touches base with this very issue. "Oppression by the minority" is what he calls it, meaning, the hesitation by journalists and political critics must take to circumvent any kind of speech that might be deemed un-PC. Now, in my opinion, there is a fine line between hate speech and free speech. Anyone with common sense knows what is hate speech and what it is not. However, it is often that freedom of speech will be sacrificed in order to appease the over-reactive whims of the minority. It was freedom of speech that was a cornerstone of the Civil Rights movement. Justifiably, freedom of speech lead the way for equal rights for all citizins of this nation. Vocies were heard and rights were won. Can voices still be heard, in our present day, and keep these rights?

Some might ask if the Civil Rights movement has reached its pinnacle; with Barack Obama winning the Presidency, I have heard this issue come up many times. I wouldn't know and I wouldn't be able to make a clear speculation. One issue I am trying to raise is at what price do we sacrifice individual liberties for the sake of a group. In a "pure" democracy (like the ancient Greek city-states), organized government systems were run by mob rule and effectively stamped out any competition. Unlike unruley Hellenic mobs, I don't see minority groups themselves as mobs. I see their leaders, behind closed doors, using and abusing the triumphs made by past civil rights leaders to usher in political power for themselves. Effectively, if there is no problem, a liberal would be out of a job.

The Big Red One

WSJ: CA budget crisis and Sacramento deadlock.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Beligerence Be Thy Name!

Unless you live under a rock, most of you are well aware of the Stimulus bill. This so-called "stimulus" was hastily passed through Congress like crap through a goose this Friday. And so, President Obama signed the bill today, the rubber stamp of the liberal juggernaut that dominates our national congress.

House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, was in a huge rush to pass the bill through before the weekend would start. A big jet liner headed for Rome was waiting for her to board, so really, there was no time to review it and discuss it (if it is any consolation, the Pope slammed her for her pro-choice stance...some devout Catholic). If this bill is not passed, according the to President, our economy will suffer a blow that it would never recover from. It was imperative that the bill be passed immediately and without delay. First of all, this is fear mongering. Obama's message to the American public was nothing more than a slippery slope. The fallacy being that if the bill isn't passed, than the US economy is going to go down the toilet. How many of you, rationally speaking, really think that without this bill all hell would break loose. Is this bill the be-all-end-all? It is unreasonable to lead the public to believe that this bill alone will solve the nation's problems.

Which leads me to my second point. Pushing the bill through in order to "save" the economy was a flat-out facade. It was passed through rapidly in order to save it from extreme scrutiny and opposition. Effectively, what they did was avoid any sort of discussion from the other end of the isle, public uproar and millions of phone calls, emails and nasty letters flooding their congressional offices. If given any time at all, the bill would have had to undergo massive edits and even the possibility of getting canned for a newly revised bill.

So what does this say about the bill itself? To tell you the truth, I'm sure very few in Washington have actually slogged through the 1,000 plus pages of legislation. The content itself must be questionable, possibly a reason why they did not want the public to be knowledgeable; it leads one to wonder how much actual stimulus has been included in the bill. I guess we can forget about Obama's promise to have bills posted 5 days on the White House webpage before he will do any signing. So much for transparency within the government. I hope this does not become an ongoing trait with this administration. That goes double for the use of fear mongering with the public. Americans deserve better than this; a government of the people, by the people and for the people...not a deceptive government for its own self-interest.

By the way, if you actually have the time, heres link of the bill put into 5 pdf files:
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

500 Million will be unemployed!

San Fran Nan does it again...

Is this really what our politicians have turned into? Are they so out of touch with the people they are supposed to represent in our government? The DC circus has become so ridiculous that I sometimes mistake CNN for comedy central.

Monday, February 2, 2009

What do you think?

Many are getting pretty disappointed over Obama's cabinet picks. Victor Davis Hanson of NRO compares Obama's picks to Bush's picks and offers a good comparison between the two. Is it too soon to tell, however?

"President Hamlet"

Hey WSJ...its called a Bong!

Michael Phelps and his "pot pipe".

C'mon WSJ, like none of your staff and writers never went to college.

Give Phelps a break. He's like the greatest athlete ever and helped us own the Chinese in their own backyard. I hope this doesn't stain the poor guy's reputation.

Lets focus more on men like Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle who have troubles using TurboTax, yet seem to find themselves in cabinet positions that deal with our nation's finances. With our economy in the perverbial crapper, why would men with shady histories be in charge of fixing this mess? Truth is stranger than fiction.